The family of Thomas Hassell born in 1785.

Website created by Richard Gilbert, last updated 10 February 2021.


GILBERT; Waldron 1700s & earlier
HASSELL; Waldron -- GILBERT; Waldron 1800s -- GILBERT; to the USA
SODDY; Sussex & London -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1800s -- MORRIS; Lewes & Eastbourne
HEWITT & HEDGEGOTT -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1900 onwards -- CLEMENTSON; London

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Before we start, there were some unproven notions within the family about the origins and history of the HASSELL and BRAY names, so let's get them out of the way;

First the HASSELL family; in May 1980, relative Eileen de Mattos wrote to Richard Gilbert; "Bendon Sharvell Hassell (1829-1919) bought Tanner's Manor from the Sackvilles of Sevenoaks, and are descended from the Danes, originally HASTELNOD, distinguished for service abroad, and settled in Yorkshire, Oxford, Cheshire, Horsemonden, and Somerset."
This is not entirely correct. Bendon certainly did buy Tanners Manor, but in 1876 from the Bonnick family, the Sackvilles having vacated the premises some 250 years earlier! It may have been Bendon's wife, Fanny Monkton (1830-1912), who claimed descent from Edward III (1312-1377), and not Mary Bray. See below for more information about descent from Edward III.

The BRAY family claimed to be directly descended from Edward III and from a Sire de Bray of Normandy who was a "General of William the Conqueror in 1066". Relative Iris Adams wrote in 1978 "French 'de Bras' lost arm in battle, hence the name. They escaped to England, Massacre of St.Bartholomew and intermarried with Hassell family (South Saxons), hence the double name which came to the English form of 'de Bray'."
Elileen de Mattos had clearly been reading from the same script. She wrote in 1980 "Bendon Sharvell Hassell is the son of Thomas Hassell and Mary Bray (1897-1975), from Sire de Bray of Normandy, a general of William the Conqueror, 1066, directly descended from Edward III."
The accuracy of some of that is doubtful.
The surname BRAY is usually assumed to mean a family originating from places of that name in Devon, Cornwall, Berkshire or northern France. That includes the older form "de Bray", meaning "of (or from) Bray". "Brea" or "Bray" means "Hill" in Cornish, and "Marsh" in Old French. There were a number of Sir Brays located in various places during the medieval period (probably all of Norman ancestry) and their genealogy is uncertain, but most frequently the name is associated with places in Cornwall.
BRAY as a French surname is common in Normandy and Picardy, and the "Roll of Battle Abbey" mentions that men from that region joined the Norman invasion in 1066 and may have settled in Britain subsequently. I have been unable to find any connection with losing an arm and, according to British geneticist Adam Rutherford, it is virtually impossible for a person with a predominantly British ancestry not to be descended from Edward III. He has calculated that "almost every Briton is descended between 21 and 24 generations from Edward III".
Edward III had 13 children, of which six married and had children.

MONCKTON; as mentioned above, there was a family story that Mary Bray was descended from Edward III. In fact it may have been Bendon's wife, Fanny Monkton (1830-1912), who claimed descent from the Plantagenets, Edward III (1312-1377), and not Mary Bray. Since it can probably be proved that a high proportion of British people are descended from Edward III (as described above), it doesn't really matter either way.


To earlier Hassell family members

1785 - 1870 THOMAS HASSELL

Born; 1785
Baptised; 24 October 1785, Waldron
Parents; Stephen Hassell (1757-18??) = Elizabeth Jones (1756-1833)
Occupation; shopkeeper of Waldron.

Married; Mary Bray (1797-1875) of Waldron, aged 17, in 1814. Marriage licence issued 25 May 1814.
Children; Harry (1815 - after 1880), Caroline (1817 - after 1860), Emily (1819 - after 1880), Elizabeth (1825 - after 1840), Benden Sharvell (1829-1919), Margaret (1836 - after 1855), Laura (1839 - after 1880).

A Thomas Hassell, labourer of Waldron parish is "willing to serve" in the 1803 Militia List, aged between 17 and 30, unmarried.
In 1830 Thomas appeared in a Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, in London, recorded as "Formerly of Waldron-Street, Waldron, Sussex, grocer, draper, tailor, auctioneer, appraiser and undertaker."
In the 1837 Register of Electors Thomas's address is shown as "Houses and land as occupier, Waldron-street".

Notes from 1851 census; Thomas Hassell, head of household, married, aged 64 (i.e. born c1787), "Shop House", Waldron, born in Waldron. However, E.S.R.O. baptism records show his Christening as 24 October 1785 in Waldron, which would make him 65 or 66 at the Census.
Mary Hassell, wife, aged 54 (i.e. born 1797), born in Waldron.
Harry Hassell, son, grocer, aged 36 (i.e.born 1815), born in Waldron.
Emily Hassell, daughter, aged 32 (i.e.born 1819), born in Waldron.
Bendon S. Hassell, son, aged 22 (i.e. born in 1829), assistant in shop, born in Waldron.
Laura Hassell, daughter, aged 12 (i.e.born 1839), born in Waldron.
(Caroline & Margaret had presumably married and moved away by 1851)

1797 - 1875 MARY HASSELL (nee BRAY)

Born; 1797, Waldron, Sussex.
Married; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) on 3 June 1814 at Waldron.
Marriage licence issued 25 May 1814. (She was aged 17)
Children; Harry (1815 - after 1880), Caroline (1817 - after 1860), Emily (1819 - after 1880), Elizabeth (1825 - after 1840), Benden Sharvell (1829-1919), Margaret (1836 - after 1855), Laura (1839 - after 1880).

One report says that Mary lived at Netherfield.
Notes from 1841 Census; Mary and family living at Waldron Street, Waldron, aged 40-44.
Notes from 1851 census; Thomas Hassell, head of household, married, aged 64 (i.e. born in 1787, but this does not agree with his baptism record in 1785). Living at "Shop House", Waldron, born in Waldron.
Mary Hassell, wife, aged 54 (i.e.born 1797), born in Waldron.
Harry Hassell, son, grocer, aged 36 (i.e. born in 1815), born in Waldron
Emily Hassell, daughter, aged 32 (i.e. born in 1819), born in Waldron
Bendon S.Hassell, son, aged 22 (i.e. born in 1929), assistant in shop, born in Waldron
Laura Hassell, daughter, aged 12 (i.e. born in 1839), born in Waldron
(Caroline & Margaret had presumably married and moved away by 1851)

Mary may be a sister of Susannah (1786-182?) who married her brother-in-law, Stephen Hassell (1784-1857).
Died; 1875

1815 - 18?? HARRY HASSELL

Born; 1815, Waldron.
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
Married; Caroline Wilmshurst (born in March 1832, Buxted, Sussex) around 1852.
Children; Henry (born 1859, Heathfield), Caroline (born 1864, Heathfield), Tom, Ernest Albert (1868-1924), Arthur F. (born 1873, Buxted).

From the 1851 census; Harry Hassell, grocer, age 36, born in Waldron
Address; At the shop which later became Daws Store, Waldron Street, where Harry ran what Benden Sharvell Hassell described as "A picturesque mercers and wholesale grocers". He is still listed in the "Kelly's Directory" for 1855.
From the 1881 Census; At Upper Totease Farm, Buxted, age 65, employing 4 men and 1 boy; occupation: farmer
From the 1891 census; Grocer's Shop: Harry Hassell, aged 76 head, wife Caroline 59, sons Ernest Albert aged 23 and Arthur F aged 18 born Buxted.

More details of Harry's family


Born: c1817, Waldron
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)

At the 1851 Census Caroline appears to have moved away from the family home in Waldron. She shows up as a visitor to John Snatt (1794-18??), his wife Harriott and daughter also Harriott (aged 19), baker of High Street, Eastbourne.
Married; ?? Lees.
Children; Rev. Arthur H.B.Lees, Polly, Margaret, Laura, and one other.

1819 - 18?? EMILY HASSELL

Born: 1819, Waldron
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
From the 1851 Census; Emily Hassell, 'Shop House' Waldron, daughter, unmarried, aged 32 (i.e. born 1819), born in Waldron.
From the 1881 Census; Visitor at Tudely Grange, Capel, Kent; single, age 62, born Waldron, Sussex; occupation Annuitant.


Born; 1825, Waldron, Sussex.
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
Married; Charles Dampier (born 1818 in Rotherfield, Sussex)
Children; Charles Hassell Dampier, born in Rotherfield in January 1862.
At the 1881 Census Charles Jnr was living at Tudely Grange, Capel, Kent, aged 20, farm steward, unmarried, born in Buxted.
Charles Jnr had 4 children and died on 8 June 1926 at Amhurst, Pembury, Kent.


Bendon Sharvell Hassell.

Born: 1829, Waldron
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
(Presumably named after naval lieutenant Bendon Sharvell, born 1789, who married his aunt Mary Hassell in 1816.)
Educated by the notable Sussex scholar and historian, Mark Anthony Lower.
From the 1851 census; Benden S.Hassell, son, living at "Shop House" Waldron, aged 22, assistant in shop, born in Waldron.
Emigrated to Australia in 1851 where he became a successful merchant. Returned as a wealthy man in 1865.

Married; Fanny Monckton (1830-1912) on 15 September 1869 at Brenchley, Kent.
Children; Robert de Bray Hassell (1870-1920), Reginald Edward Hassell (1872-1963).

More details of Bendon's family

Bendon bought Tanners Manor from the Bonnick family in 1876 and the Hassell family lived there for about 90 years.

Details of the Hassell family at Tanners Manor.

At the East Sussex Record Office, Brighton, is a series of letters by B.S.Hassell in which he attempts to reconstruct the layout of the village of Waldron and lists the occupants of each house.

1830 - 1912 FANNY HASSELL (nee MONCKTON)

Born; 14 August 1830, Brenchley, Kent
Parents; Jonathan Monckton (1797-18??) = Ann Elizabeth Wicksteed (1796-1888)
At the 1841 census living at "1716", Brenchley, Kent, aged 10.
At the 1851 census living at Portobello House, Brenchley, Kent, aged 20.
Moved to Rugeley, Staffordshire in 1854 with her brother Dr.Henry Monckton M.D., F.R.C.S. remaining there until 1864.

Married; Bendon Sharvell Hassell (1829-1919) on 15 September 1869 at Brenchley, Kent.
Children; Robert de Bray Hassell (1870-1920), Reginald Edward Hassell (1872-1963).

More details of Bendon and Fanny's family

Tanners Manor, Waldron, Sussex.

Details of the Hassell family at Tanners Manor.

Died; 22 February 1912.
Buried; Late February 1912, Waldron. Present were: her husband (B S Hassell) and two sons (Robert and Reginald), Rev AHB Lees (nephew, son of Caroline, nee Hassell), Miss Dampier (niece, Elizabeth, nee Hassell, born 1825), Mrs Harding (niece, Alice, nee Hassell), Mr C Dampier (nephew, Charles Hassell Dampier, born 1862), Hugh Dampier (great nephew, son of Charles?), Mrs Chandler (Kate, nee Moore), Mr T Sawyer (great nephew), Rev W May (brother in law). Details are in Charlotte Gilbert's cuttings book Page 47, in H R Gilbert's records.


Born: 1836, Waldron
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
Married; ?? Mansergh
Children; Arthur (185?-??), Bessie (185?-??), others?
Margaret is not living at home with her parents in Waldron at the 1851 census, so has presumably married and moved away.

1839 - 18?? LAURA HASSELL

Born: 1839, Waldron
Parents; Thomas Hassell (1785-1870) = Mary Bray (1797-1875)
Notes from the 1851 census; Laura Hassell, daughter, living at "Shop house" Waldron, aged 12.
From the 1881 Census; Visitor at Tudely Grange, Capel, Kent; single, age 40, born Waldron, Sussex; occupation Annuitant.

To later Hassell family members