The family of Reginald Morris (1828-1901) in Sussex

Website created by Richard Gilbert, last updated 17 January 2021.


GILBERT; Waldron 1700s & earlier
HASSELL; Waldron -- GILBERT; Waldron 1800s -- GILBERT; to the USA
SODDY; Sussex & London -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1800s -- MORRIS; Lewes & Eastbourne
HEWITT & HEDGEGOTT -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1900 onwards -- CLEMENTSON; London

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Group photo of Reginald's widow and three of his children in January 1920.
Standing; Reginald Nelson (1890-1982), May Blenheim (1892-1985), their uncle Robert Morris (1865-1948);
Seated, Sarah Morris (mother of the children) and Marjorie Isabel Morris (1901-1992).


To earlier Morris family members


Reginald Morris around 1895. Photo: Rudolph W Vieler, 3 Terminus Road, Eastbourne.

Born; 26 January 1862, 66 Seaside Road (formerly 1 Victoria Place), Eastbourne, the Morris family ironmongers shop and house.
Parents; James Berry Morris (1828-1901) = Mary Sophia Wille (1831-1916)
At the 1881 Census Reginald was shown as aged 19, unmarried, ironmongers assistant, living at 66/67 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.

Married; Sarah Jane Gross (1864-1937) of All Saints, Lewes, at All Saints, Lewes 24 April 1889.
Children; Reginald Nelson (1890-1982), May Blenheim (1892-1985), Douglas Collingwood (1894-1964), Marjorie Isabel (1901-1992).

From Robert Morris's diary (Eastbourne);
27 December 1895; "Spent the evening with Reg and Mrs.Reg at 'Woodbridge', Latimer Road." (Eastbourne)
31 December 1897; "Reg ill, taken unwell during the night. Mother, Alice & Mrs.Gilbert called. The old place on his lung is bad again. Dr. reports 'serious'. A quantity of blood brought up."
3 January 1898; "Reg going on satisfactorily."
9 January 1898; "J.B.M. called at 'Woodbridge', Latimer Rd. Reg very weak."

From Robert Morris's diary (Uckfield);
7 July 1900; "E.M.& S's. {E.Morris & Sons.} employees outing, they came to Uckfield. Reg accompanied them & brought with him 2 creepers for our garden."
22 September 1900; "Reg is bad in both eyes now."
19 April 1901; "Mrs.Reg delivered of a daughter." {Marjorie}

Brothers James, Reginald and Henry progressively took over the family iron foundry business from their father during the 1880s and 1890s.

The Morris Ironfoundry in Lewes and Eastbourne.

Reginald is believed to have been living in Polegate, 1890 to 1895. Then at 'Woodbridge', Latimer Road, Eastbourne from around 1895 until around 1901 when he and his brother Henry came to live at the Eastbourne shop in Seaside Road with their families, while the other partner, James, continued to live at 15 Gorringe Road.

24 January 1902; "Received letter from Reg relating to letting of 'Woodbridge'. Have written to Mr.A.Foster, 296 Ditchling Road, Brighton, offering him at 13/6 per week. He has told Reg he will not go higher than 13/-."
6 June 1902; "Reg and Harry were at Lewes this afternoon signing their Notes of land etc. Reg afterwards came on here at 5 pm, leaving again for Eastbourne at 8 pm. He expressed his satisfaction at the manner in which the affairs of the estate had been carried out."
11 September 1902; "Reg, Mrs., May, Douglas and the baby, Marjory, arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm."
14 February 1903; "Reg has had to give up business again."
1 August 1906; "We hear Reg is abed with rupture."
25 August 1906; "Reg arrived at 2.30 pm to spend a day or two at 'Ryderswells'."
3 April 1908; "Reg is recommended to go to Guy's Hospital for examination by a specialist."
18 April 1908; "We received unsatisfactory new of Reg this evening - he has a clot in one of the veins in his right arm."
21 April 1908; "Reg will go to town tomorrow to consult a specialist."
22 April 1908; "We received a post card from Reg, posted in London this morning. The Dr. reports 'very satisfactory'. We trust it is so."
6 July 1908; "Received letter from Reg, re tenancy of 'Woodbridge'. Young Reg is at Berehaven on one of the King's ships."
6 May 1909; "Reg does not seem to be at all well."
14 May 1909; "Reg was to have come today but he is now confined to his bed."
18 May 1909; "We hear Reg was not very well yesterday, but is a little improved."
21 May 1909; "Reg is still very unwell. The Dr. does not understand what is the matter with him."
24 May 1909; "Alice to Eastbourne, returned at 10 p.m. She saw Reg who is very unwell."
31 May 1909; "Ellen arrived at Ryderswells this afternoon, and brought very unsatisfactory news of Reg - he is seriously ill."
1 June 1909; "Mary to Eastbourne this morning, returned this evening. Reg is very ill. Whether he will be raised up again we know not."
2 June 1909; "A little better news of Reg."
3 June 1909; "The news of Reg not so favourable this morning, but a little better this evening."
4 June 1909; "Mrs.J.B.M. & Alice to Eastbourne this afternoon and saw Reg."
7 June 1909; "Reg does not improve much, though the Dr. says he is better. He seems extremely weak."
9 June 1909; "Reg is now worse. Mother & Alice left for Eastbourne at 2.30 p.m. and we have since received a postcard from Mrs.Gilbert stating that the doctor thinks badly. Mrs.J.B.M. & Alice returned at 10 p.m. Reg cannot possibly recover." 10 June 1909; "Telegram about 9 a.m. Reg died early this morning. To Eastbourne at 10.34 a.m., returned at 10 p.m. Mrs.Gilbert and Mrs.Henry were with Reg all night. He passed away at about 6.35 am and the body is in such a state that the funeral must take place on Saturday."

Reginald died; 10 June 1909, Eastbourne.
Buried; 12 June 1909, Eastbourne.

12 June 1909; "To Eastbourne, at 3 pm Reg's funeral; a lot of people attended. Mr Martin conducted it."
14 June 1909; "To Lewes at 10.34 am. Met James there and we went to Messrs. Vinall's office. James returned to Eastbourne by 1.51 pm, and I left for Uckfield at 2.1 pm. Made a copy of Reg's will. Unhappily, I am an executor."
16 June 1909; "An Eastbourne Gazette arrived giving an account of Reg's funeral etc."
26 October 1909; "Sent off Reg's will to Mrs. Reg."
8 April 1910; "Mr Martin and Miss Markwick called this afternoon to witness Mrs.J.B.M.'s signature to codicil(?) making me an executor."
9 April 1910; "We omitted to enter the date in the codicil(?) yesterday and Messrs Vinalls have returned it in consequence."
13 April 1910; "Mrs Martin & Miss Markwick to witness signature this evening. I did not insert the date last week."
1 July 1910; "To Lewes this morning to prove Reg's will, which I did before Mr. Reginald Blaker."
26 August 1910; "Young fellow here this afternoon to look over the house etc. re Reg's portion of the estate."
23 September 1910; "Wrote Vinall's, re Reg's reversionary interest."
2 April 1912; "Sent off Reg's Promissory Notes to Messrs Vinall. My own, Mary's and Alice's."
3 April 1912; "Received executors account to sign from Mrs.Reg. Signed and sent it to Messrs Vinall's."

An obituary and report of his funeral is on pages 44 to 46 of Charlotte Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album in H R Gilbert's collection. The service was conducted by Mr.Thomas Martin of Five Ash Down Chapel.

1864 - 1937 SARAH JANE MORRIS (nee GROSS)

Sarah Morris (Reg's wife) with their son Douglas's wife Gwladys and grandson Stephen in 1937.

Born; 22 May 1864.
Married; Reginald Morris (1862-1909) of All Saints, Eastbourne, at All Saints, Lewes on 24 April 1889.
Children; Reginald Nelson (1890-1982), May Blenheim (1892-1985), Douglas Collingwood (1894-1964), Marjorie Isabel (1901-1992).
Sarah seems to have had a sister who married a Mr.Briggs. They both attended Reginald's funeral in 1909.

It seems that Sarah may have had a son named Edward born around 1883, some six years before she married Reginald Morris. Ash Emery from South Africa emailed in September 2002;
"I dived into the 1891 Census and came up with Reginald Morris in Hailsham. He and his wife were living at 7 Devonshire Place in Hailsham (reference RG12, 0776, 52, 59) together with two sons, Reginald N aged 8 months and a much older Edward who was already a scholar. His age may be 8 but I can't really read the image. Edward's birth was stated as Lewes in 1891. When Sarah married Reginald she was of All Saints, Lewes and the licence was for that parish. She was only 26 in 1891 so was very young to have an older child. I have looked at the 1901 Census and found no Edward Gross who was born in Sussex. There is only one Edward Morris who was born in Lewes and he was aged 18, an upholsterer and living in Eastbourne but not with Reginald and wife. However, neither was he living with parents or anyone else called Morris."
"I did a search at FreeBMD for any Edward Gross born anywhere in England between 1880 and 1888. One result: Births Mar 1883 - Gross, Edward Favell, Lewes, 2b 201. The odds are that a Mr Favell was the father of the boy that Reginald had at his house in Hailsham in 1891. Since I couldn't find an Edward Gross in 1901, I reckon the boy took the name Morris after he joined Reginald's household."

I replied "That address of 7 Devonshire Place, Hailsham is a mystery to me. I don't know of a Devonshire Place in Hailsham (I've checked back as far as 1933 and found nothing), although there is one in Eastbourne. However the 1933 Eastbourne directory does show "Morris, Edward" living at 483 Seaside. He does not appear under 'Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers' in the trades directory. I suppose he could have been working for someone else, rather than running his own business. There is also a 'Favell, W.R.' living at 'Kebroyd' 19 Arundel Road, for what that's worth."

A Mrs.R.Morris was living at 58 Whitley Road, Eastbourne in 1933.

Robert Morris's diary (Eastbourne) 9 July 1892; "Mrs.Reg Morris very ill"
Robert Morris's diary (Uckfield) 19 April 1901; "Mrs.Reg delivered of a daughter." (Marjorie).
22 September 1909; "Mrs.Reg with Marjory arrived at Ryderswells at 4pm."
26 October 1909; "Sent off Reg's will to Mrs. Reg."
1 November 1909; "Received letter from Mrs. Reg who tells me Jim is very unwell again."
15 April 1911; "Mrs.Reg & May arrived at Ryderswells at 10 pm."
17 April 1911; "Mrs.Reg & May left for Eastbourne at 8 pm."
6 December 1911; "We are sorry to hear young Reg has scarlet fever, and has been removed to the Infectious Hospital. Quinsey(?) is expected to develop. Mrs.Reg has only just removed into her new house."
9 December 1911; "We hear tonight that young Reg is going on all right."
20 January 1912; "Letter from Mrs.Reg. Young Reg is progressing favourably. Dr.says he has a weak chest."
2 April 1912; "Sent off Reg's Promissory Notes to Messrs Vinall. My own, Mary's and Alice's."
3 April 1912; "Received executors account to sign from Mrs.Reg. Signed and sent it to Messrs Vinall's.' "
11 March 1913; "Received application for Consols to sign for Mrs.Reg."

Died; 14 November 1937.


Reginald Nelson Morris around 1907 at the Eastbourne (North Street) workshops of E Morris & Sons, ironfounders.

Born; 23 August 1890.
Parents; Reginald Morris (1862-1909) = Sarah Gross (1864-1937)

From the "Diary of the Den" written by James Berry Morris's sons at the ironmonger's shop and house, 66/67 Seaside Road, Eastbourne;
2 June 1891; "Nelson Morris made his first visit to 66 & 7."
16 December 1891; "Nelson Morris visited 66 & 67 Seaside Rd."
He visited again on 31 January 1894, and the entry for 4 February 1894 reads "Reg brought Nelson from Polegate".
16 December 1894; "Reg brought Nelson & May to tea."

From Robert Morris's (Uckfield) diary;
15 April 1907; "Ellen arrived at Ryderswells at 1 pm, and Nelson & Richard arrived about 3 pm, having come up from Eastbourne with a sort of car on wheels, which they call a land-boat."
25 September 1907; "Reg's boy Nelson has joined the R.N.V.R. at Eastbourne."
10 August 1908; "Reg's boy, Nelson, returned from his cruise to Canada on Saturday (8th inst.) at 4.30 pm."
11 August 1908; "Reg's boy, Nelson, arrived on bicycle, had dinner and tea with us, and left with William this evening for Eastbourne."
6 July 1908; "Young Reg is at Berehaven on one of the King's ships."
14 May 1910; "David and Nelson arrived at Ryderswells on bicycles."
16 May 1910; "Nelson returned to Eastbourne this afternoon."
16 June 1910; "James arrived this afternoon and left at 8 pm. He came to consult us about young Reg, who now wants to go to sea."
6 December 1911; "We are sorry to hear young Reg has scarlet fever, and has been removed to the Infectious Hospital. Quinsey(?) is expected to develop. Mrs.Reg has only just removed into her new house."
9 December 1911; "We hear tonight that young Reg is going on all right."
20 January 1912; "Letter from Mrs.Reg. Young Reg is progressing favourably. Dr.says he has a weak chest."
18 October 1912; "Young Reg has joined the Metropolitan Police.'"
27 May 1914; "Reg arrived on bicycle at about 1 pm & dined with us."
20 November 1914; "Received post card from Reg at Watford. Sooner or later he leaves for France to complete training."
18 March 1915; "Received letter from Reg at Watford and he was leaving for France that night, the 16th. He is in the 6th London Rifles. I only hope his life may be spared."

Married; Elsie Piggott (1900-1989) on 29 October 1927
Children; Jane Elsie Morris (Born 1930)
Died; 5 June 1982.


May Morris with her cousin Mary Gilbert at Folkestone, May 1914.

Born; 25 December 1892.
Parents; Reginald Morris (1862-1909) = Sarah Gross (1864-1937)

From Robert Morris's (Uckfield) diary;
21 February 1899; "May ill with scarlet fever."
26 March 1910; "May arrived at 10 am to spend a few days at Ryderswells"
8 August 1910; "Mary and May arrived at Ryderswells on bicycles at 1.45"
15 April 1911; "Mrs.Reg & May arrived at Ryderswells at 10 pm."
17 April 1911; "Mrs.Reg & May left for Eastbourne at 8 pm."
7 October 1912; "Mary Gilbert left for Eastbourne early this morning with May, who came up Sat. night (5th inst.)"
23 May 1913; "May arrived to spend the Sunday with Mary at Ryderswells."
25 August 1913; "Mary, having quarrelled with Ellen, came in to tea. May left for Eastbourne at 7.40 am."

George Vinall's wedding to May Morris in 1922.
Also in the picture are Reginald Nelson Morris and Marjorie Morris (May's brother and sister) and Frank Vinall (George's brother) who taught me to swim! The Vinall brothers ran a gentleman's tailors and outfitters in Eastbourne - their Old Town branch was certainly still open in the 1960s.

Married; George Heaver Vinall (1889-1959) on 29 May 1922.
Children; Joan Marjorie (1923-1973), Peter David (born 1932)

Joan Vinall sniffing flowers, 1926.

Joan Vinall at 22 Upper Avenue, Eastbourne (the Gilbert home) Whitsun 1939. She is wearing her grandmother's (Sarah) wedding gown.

In later life (when a widow) May lived with her sister Marjorie at 206 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne.
From Mary Gilbert's diary for 20 August 1960; "Joan, May and Martin (Joan's youngest boy) and Gwladys's niece's child (grand niece) came to tea, which had to be indoors. They came in the car which May still keeps."
May died 29 September 1985.


Douglas Morris in his school uniform, around 1904.

Born: 4 December 1894, Polegate.
Parents; Reginald Morris (1862-1909) = Sarah Gross (1864-1937)
Worked for the Eastbourne Gas Company.

From Robert Morris's diary (Uckfield) 25 July 1913; "Douglas spent the day here, returned at 8 pm."
In 1914 Douglas signed up for a Short Service (3 years) enlistment into the South Down Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment. His recorded his occupation as 'clerk'. Height 5ft 10 ½ inches, 157 lbs, eyes dark blue, hair light brown, aged 19.
By 1916 he was in the Royal Engineers, 29th Division, Signals Company, No.445/245077.
Went to France in March 1916, to England for hospital on 28 April 1917, discharged unfit on 15 December 1917 and returned home to Woodbridge, 58 Whitley Road, Eastbourne.

Married; Gwladys Eleanor Jones (1899-19??) on 23 July 1923.
Children; Stephen Douglas (born 1936), Clive Hunter (born 1939).

Stephen Morris with his mother in 1937 at Ryderswells Cottage, Vines Cross, Sussex.

Douglas died on 2 October 1964.


Gwladys Morris with young Stephen in 1937 at Ryderswells Cottage, Vines Cross, Sussex.

Born; 26 May 1899.
Married; Douglas Collingwood Morris (1894-1964) on 23 July 1923.
Children; Stephen Douglas (born 1936), Clive Hunter (born 1939)
Catherine 'Katie' Morris (1900-1986) left a legacy in her will (dated 1983) to "...Gwladys Eleanor Morris of 58 Sancroft Road, Eastbourne, aforesaid widow of my late cousin Douglas Collingwood Morris..."

1900 - 1989 ELSIE MORRIS (nee PIGGOTT)

Born; 1 April 1900.
Married; Reginald Nelson Morris (1890-1982) on 29 October 1927.
Children; Jane Elsie Morris (born 1930)
Catherine 'Katie' Morris (1900-1986) left a legacy in her will (dated 1983) to "...Elsie Morris of 69 Broad Road, Willingdon, Eastbourne, aforesaid wife of my late cousin Reginald Nelson Morris..."
Died; 25 December 1989.


Marjorie Morris in a January 1920 group photo including Reginald Nelson (1890-1982), May Blenheim (1892-1985), their uncle Robert Morris (1865-1948) and Sarah Morris (Marjorie's mother).

Born; 19 April 1901.
Parents; Reginald Morris (1862-1909) = Sarah Gross (1864-1937)

From Robert Morris's (Uckfield) diary;
19 April 1901; "Mrs.Reg delivered of a daughter." (Marjorie).
22 September 1909; "Mrs.Reg with Marjory arrived at Ryderswells at 4pm."
12 April 1911; "Ellen, Mary & Marjorie arrived at Ryderswells this morning."
14 April 1911; "Mary, Alice, I, Ellen, Mary and Marjorie attended morning service at Five Ash Down. A large congregation."
6 April 1912; "Mrs.Gilbert returned to Eastbourne and Marjorie arrived at Ryderswells."
26 April 1913; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen with Marjorie arrived at Ryderswells this evening."
21 August 1913; "Marjorie left for Eastbourne this morning."
15 August 1914; "Marjorie and Katie returned to Eastbourne this afternoon."

Lived in later life at 206 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, with her sister May (Vinall). After the death of May in 1985, she moved to a rest home, 'Orchard Down', 6 Old Orchard Road, Eastbourne.
Died; 2 March 1992 Eastbourne District General Hospital.
Funeral; Holy Trinity Church, Eastbourne, 10 March 1992.
Buried; in the Morris grave, Ocklynge Cemetery, 11 March 1992.

To later Morris family members