The family of James Morris (1854-1921) in Sussex

Website created by Richard Gilbert, last updated 19 January 2021.


GILBERT; Waldron 1700s & earlier
HASSELL; Waldron -- GILBERT; Waldron 1800s -- GILBERT; to the USA
SODDY; Sussex & London -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1800s -- MORRIS; Lewes & Eastbourne
HEWITT & HEDGEGOTT -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1900 onwards -- CLEMENTSON; London

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To earlier Morris family members

1854 - 1921 JAMES MORRIS

James Morris around 1862. Photo: W Hicks, Eastbourne, No.1662.

Born; 3 April 1854, Lewes.
Parents; James Berry Morris (1828-1901) = Mary Sophia. Wille (1831-1916)
Married; Ellen White (1861-193?) on 8 March 1894 at Kempsey, near Worcester.
Moved into 15 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, and named it "Kempsey", after the town where Ellen was born.
Children; Ellen (1895-1962), James White (1898-1938), Catherine Mary 'Katie' (1900-1986), John Charles W. (1904-1906)

At the 1881 Census shown as aged 27, unmarried, ironmonger's assistant, living at 66/67 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
James was a keen rowing enthusiast. His daughter 'Katie' wrote to R.Gilbert in 1983 "I still have some of the prizes won in rowing including two marble clocks, one with an inscription that it was won at St.Leonards regatta in 1881, which is still in use. I have given away most of the cups - four to a very poor mission station in Africa for Communion cups, two to St.Mary's Boys' School for swimming prizes, and one to the present Eastbourne Rowing Club; so they are still performing a useful service."

James Morris around 1872, probably in Eastbourne Rowing Club clothing. Photo: G Churchill, 4 Cornfield Road, Eastbourne.

From the diary of Robert Morris, while living in Eastbourne;
20 December 1898; "James went on his bicycle last evening to Pevensey on business, and returning, the bicycle slipped on the wet mud and threw him into the road. Fortunately not hurt."

Brothers James, Reginald and Henry progressively took over the family iron foundry business from their father during the 1880s and 1890s.

The Morris Ironfoundry in Lewes and Eastbourne.

Around 1901 James Berry Morris's sons Henry and Reginald came to live at the Eastbourne shop in Seaside Road with their families while James (junior) continued to live at 15 Gorringe Road.

From the diary of Robert Morris while living in Uckfield;
23 July 1901; "James arrived at 1 p.m. Mr.Carpenter (Vinalls office) arrived at 2.30 p.m. The Exors signed here, and took oath at Dawson's office. So the will has, at last, been proved. Gross £17,000."
27 November 1901; "James has let the 3rd shop in Tinker's Town to Drury, upholsterer, for £35 per annum."
10 December 1901; "Mother received letter from James. C.F.Simmons has taken the Stables at £55; Powell has bolted; & Drury has decided not to take his shop."
9 June 1902; "James and Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 1 pm. and Mr.Vinall and Mr.Carpenter about 3 pm. We signed all the conveyances etc. and got through the affair very well."
23 September 1902; "James, Mrs. and family spent the day with us. Left at 8 pm. James is not very well."
11 June 1904; "Mrs.James delivered of a son last night."
1 March 1906; "We hear that Jim's baby is in a critical condition, congestion, pneumonia and weak heart."
3 March 1906; "Jim's baby is in a serious condition & not expected to recover."
8 March 1906; "Received telegram shortly after 9 am from James informing us of the death of his baby at 11 o'clock last night."
10 March 1906; "Funeral of Jim's baby this afternoon. Rev. W.A.Bathurst officiated."
2 July 1906; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived this morning to get her house ready for James."
5 July 1906; "James, Mrs. & children arrived at Ryderswells at 1 pm.."
20 July 1906; "James and family left at 8 pm for Eastbourne."
2 March 1907; "James arrived on bicycle, dined and took tea with us. Chub is financially on his last legs."
17 February 1908; "We hear James has slight congestion of one lung."
20 February 1908; "James, we hear, is going on alright at present."
26 February 1908; "We hear that James is still very unwell."
17 March 1908; "James very unwell this morning. Had Dr.Langdale to see him. Reports slight weakness of the heart &c." (Dr.Henry M.Langdale lived in Newtown, Uckfield at the 1891 census.)
23 March 1908; "Dr.Langdale called. His report regarding James is very unsatisfactory."
30 March 1908; "James is undoubtedly improving."
14 December 1908; "We hear this evening that Jim's child, Ellen, has diphtheria."
15 December 1908; "Jim's girl has been sent to the fever hospital. I should hope it will be satisfactory."
17 December 1908; "Jim's child appears to be going on satisfactorily."
31 December 1908; "James removes his girl from the Sanatorium today."
2 January 1909; "James's girl has left the sanatorium & seems to be doing well."

James Morris around 1895. Photo: Rudolph W Vieler, 3 Terminus Road, Eastbourne.

14 June 1909; (after Reg's death) "To Lewes at 10:34 a.m. Met James there and we went to Messrs. Vinalls' office. James returned to Eastbourne by 1:51 p.m. and I left for Uckfield at 2:1 p.m. Made a copy of Reg's will. Unhappy I am an executor."
1 July 1909; "Jim has been thrown from bicycle and fractured a rib."
7 August 1909; "James's eldest girl has had an operation performed on her throat."
8 September 1909; "James with Ellen, Jimmy & Katie arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm."
1 November 1909; "Received letter from Mrs. Reg who tells me Jim is very unwell again."
4 November 1909; "James is unwell."
26 March 1910; "James supposed to be not at all well."
16 June 1910; "James arrived this afternoon and left at 8 pm. He came to consult us about young Reg, who now wants to go to sea."
16 September 1910; "A postcard from James informs us of the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs.White, who died at 9 am yesterday."
17 October 1910; "Hear that James is again unwell."
26 October 1910; "We hear that James's spleen is wrong."
28 December 1910; "James & Harry arrived at 10 am, & Frank came later, on bicycle, from Horeham Road. Spent very pleasant day. James, Chub & Harry left at 8 pm, Frank sleeps here tonight."
26 January 1911; "We hear Jim is again unwell and the doctor has sent a sample of his blood to a specialist."
3 February 1911; "We hear bad account of Jim - diseased spleen."
25 February 1911; "James seems to show some improvement. We have had a letter from his wife."
22 April 1911; "James, Mrs. & family arrived at Ryderswells this afternoon."
27 April 1911; "Mrs.James covered with a rash this morning, supposed measles. Dr.Langdale says 'Only Spring Rash'. James is very far from well."
18 October 1911; "James and Harry here to see about business."
31 October 1911; "Received letter from James informing me they had sold the premises at Nos.66 & 67 Seaside Road."
24 April 1913; "Mary writing and telephoning to Jim about Frank's affairs."
27 December 1913; "James, Herbert & Harry spent the day here. The two former walked from Lewes, & Harry took train at Barcombe."
9 January 1914; "Jim's boy's birthday - I imagine 16 yrs."

Died; 22 November 1921, aged 67.

Several photographs of James are in H.R.Gilbert's records.

1861 - 193? ELLEN MORRIS (nee WHITE)

Born; 1861, Kempsey, Worcestershire.
Parents; Thomas White (1809-18??) = Anne ?? (1827-1910)
Married; James Morris (1854-1921) on 8 March 1894, at Kempsey, near Worcester.
Children; Ellen (1895-1962), James White (1898-1938), Catherine Mary 'Katie' (1900-1986), John Charles W. (1904-1906)
Moved into 15 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, and named it "Kempsey", after the town where Ellen was born.

From the diary of Robert Morris while living in Eastbourne;
28 October 1896; "James's mother-in-law, staying at 'Kempsey', taken unwell"
30 November 1896; "Mrs.White, from 'Kempsey', called to say 'Good bye'. She probably leaves for Worcestershire tomorrow."

From the diary of Robert Morris while living in Uckfield;
11 June 1904; "Mrs.James delivered of a son last night."
14 September 1909; "Mrs.James, and her mother, Mrs.White, spent the day here. Mrs.White is 84 years of age."
16 September 1910; "A postcard from James informs us of the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs.White, who died at 9 am yesterday."
26 January 1911; "We hear Jim is again unwell and the doctor has sent a sample of his blood to a specialist."
3 February 1911; "We hear bad account of Jim - diseased spleen."
25 February 1911; "James seems to show some improvement. We have had a letter from his wife."
22 April 1911; "James, Mrs. & family arrived at Ryderswells this afternoon."
27 April 1911; "Mrs.James covered with a rash this morning, supposed measles. Dr.Langdale says 'Only a spring rash'. James is very far from well."
28 April 1911; "Mrs James has recovered."

Her daughter 'Katie' wrote to R.Gilbert in 1983 "I have a few items from Mother's family which are of a little value (grandfather clock, oak chest, tallboy, sampler, etc.) but they are distinctively Worcestershire and should go to my cousin Hilda, if she survives me."
In Katie's will she refers to other members of this family; " third thereof in trust for the Mrs.Hilda Louise White (this is presumably her cousin) of 5 Church Street, Beckington, Bath, in the county of Avon, but provided that if she shall have predeceased or failed to survive me for a clear space of 28 days, then in trust for her two children Alan John White of Warren Farm, Lemsford, Welwyn, in the county of Hertford, and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Keevil, of New Manor Farm, Bathford, Bath...."
In a letter from Robert Morris to Charlotte Gilbert in December 1929 he mentions that Mrs.James Morris and her family were still living at Gorringe Road at that time.

1895 - 23 Feb 1962 ELLEN MORRIS

Born; 12 August 1895, 7:30 a.m. Eastbourne
Parents; James Morris (1854-1921) = Ellen White (1861-193?)

From Robert Morris's diary;
13 October 1895; "Little Ellen Morris baptised by Rev.W.A.Bathurst at Trinity Church this afternoon" [Eastbourne]
14 December 1908; "We hear this evening that Jim's child, Ellen, has diphtheria."
15 December 1908; "Jim's girl has been sent to the fever hospital. I should hope it will be satisfactory."
17 December 1908; "Jim's child appears to be going on satisfactorily."
31 December 1908; "James removes his girl from the Sanatorium today."
7 August 1909; "James's eldest girl has had an operation performed on her throat."
8 September 1909; "James with Ellen, Jimmy & Katie arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm."
5 September 1912; "Finished a small drawing in Ellen Morris's album."

Ellen and her sister Catherine Mary (1900-1986) jointly inherited 55 and 57 South Street, Lewes, and 21 Mayfield Place, Eastbourne, from Mary Sophia Morris on her death in 1929. The Eastbourne property was sold in 1946 and the two Lewes houses in 1960 and 1959 respectively.
Ellen also appears to have acquired 9 Wille Cottages, South Street, Lewes, (originally the property of her grandfather James Berry Morris, and let to tenants) but sold it to a Mr.Wilkins in 1961 for £850.

Died; 23 February 1962 At the time of her death in 1962 Ellen was living at her father's old house, "Kempsey", 15 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, named after her mother's birthplace in Worcestershire.


Born; 9 January 1898, at 3:25 a.m.
Parents; James Morris (1854-1921) = Ellen White (1861-193?)
Robert Morris's diary (Uckfield);
8 September 1909; "James with Ellen, Jimmy & Katie arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm."
9 January 1914; "Jim's boy's birthday - I imagine 16 years."

In February 1917 James enlisted as an Army reservist, aged 19 years 36 days. Height 5 ft 7 1.2 inches. He described his occupation as ‘clerk’.
To France on 6 March 1917
Private, No.72931, 122 Labour Company, British Expeditionary Force, 1918.
Returned to England on 30 December 1918. Discharged unfit January 1919 with trachoma and granular conjunctivitis.
Lived at "Kempsey", 15 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, named after his mother's birthplace.
Died; 19 March 1938.


'Katie' Morris with her cousin Charlotte Gilbert, during the visit of her uncle Frank from Canada to England in 1931.

Born; 26 January 1900.
Parents; James Morris (1854-1921) = Ellen White (1861-193?)
From Robert Morris's diary;
26 January 1900; "Telegram at 10 a.m. from James. Mrs. James delivered of a daughter."
20 February 1900; "James's daughter christened at Trinity Church Sunday afternoon (18th). Her name is Catherine Mary."
8 September 1909; "James with Ellen, Jimmy & Katie arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm."
15 August 1914; "Marjorie and Katie returned to Eastbourne this afternoon."
27 August 1914; "Ellen & Katie arrived on bicycles this afternoon, and left later for Eastbourne."

From Mary Gilbert's diary;
23 August 1962; "Charlotte went off to Bath Ford near Bath for a holiday with Katie Morris in a house of her cousins, a cat and some kittens to look after."
Lived at "Kempsey" 15 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne. The house was named after her mother's birthplace.
Richard Gilbert wrote to her in July 1983 hinting that if she had anything of historical family value it should be donated to the East Sussex Record Office, or the Sussex Archaeological Society. She replied a week later, listing various items including pictures, documents and photographs. These were collected by Christopher Whittick of E.S.R.O. in 1984 and are now at the Record Office in Brighton. After her death Christopher asked Hilary R.Gilbert to come and identify many unmarked photographs in a box of hers, which he did (as best he could).

Katie and her sister Ellen Morris (1895-1962) jointly inherited 55 and 57 South Street, Lewes, and 21 Mayfield Place, Eastbourne, from Mary Sophia Morris on her death in 1929. The Eastbourne property was sold in 1946 and the two Lewes houses in 1960 and 1959 respectively.
Catherine also appears to have acquired 5 and 8 Wille Cottages, South Street, Lewes, (originally the property of her grandfather James Berry Morris, and let to tenants). She sold No.5 to a Miss M.L.Berry in 1955 and No.8 to a Mr.Weston in 1964 for £1,800.

Died; 11 February 1986. This represented the end of James Morris's line of descent.
She left a gross estate valued at £134,594.
H.R.Gilbert has a letter from Katie to Richard Gilbert regarding heirlooms, July 1983


Born; 10 June 1904.
Parents; James Morris (1854-1921) = Ellen White (1861-193?)
Died; 7 March 1906.

From Robert Morris's diary;
1 March 1906; "We hear that Jim's baby is in a critical condition, congestion, pneumonia and weak heart."
3 March 1906; "Jim's baby is in a serious condition and not expected to recover."
8 March 1906; "Received telegram shortly after 9 am from James informing us of the death of his baby at 11 o'clock last night."
10 March 1906; "Funeral of Jim's baby this afternoon. Rev.W.A.Bathurst officiated."

To later Morris family members