The family of David Gilbert of Eastbourne born in 1861

Website created by H Richard Gilbert, last updated 4 May 2022.


GILBERT; Waldron 1700s & earlier
HASSELL; Waldron -- GILBERT; Waldron 1800s -- GILBERT; to the USA
SODDY; Sussex & London -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1800s -- MORRIS; Lewes & Eastbourne
HEWITT & HEDGEGOTT -- GILBERT; Eastbourne 1900 onwards -- CLEMENTSON; London

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The Gilbert family at North Down Farm, Heathfield in 1893. Photo: Alfred J Isard, 46 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Left to right are David jnr, David snr, Mary, Ellen, William (baby), Ellen Isabel, Charlotte (Richard wasn't born yet).

Eight years later, the Gilbert family in the garden of the Gilbert Bakery at 51 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Left to right in the back row are Ellen, Mary, David jnr and Charlotte. Seated are William, David snr, Ellen Isabel and Richard. It's definitely 1901 because William and Richard, and possibly Mary, are wearing Coronation medals (King Edward VII).


To earlier Gilbert family members


Ellen I Morris, around 1875. Photo: Edward Reeves, Lewes, No.9945.

Born; 26 July 1857, Eastbourne
Parents; James Berry Morris (1828-1901) = Mary Sophia Wille (1831-1916)
Lived at Morris ironmongers shop and house, 66/67 Seaside Road, Eastbourne 1857 to 1884, i.e. from her birth to her marriage.
Married; David Gilbert (1861-1902) on 28 February 1884 by the Rev. A J Baxter at Cavendish Place Chapel, Eastbourne.

Details of Cavendish Place Chapel and Rev A J Baxter.

Benjamin Soddy (1856-1895) was the Best Man, and Kate Isard was Bridesmaid.
Children; Ellen (1885-1988), Charlotte Isabel (1886-1976), David (1888-1915), Mary (1889-1976), William (1892-1955), Richard (1894-1988)
Ellen was the first of James Berry Morris's children to be born in Eastbourne after the family's move there from Lewes in 1856. She later taught at the Sunday School at Cavendish Place Chapel, and probably met David Gilbert there.

More information about Ellen's (Morris) family.

Ellen I Gilbert, c.1885. Photo: Frederick A Bourne, Langney Road, Eastbourne.

Ellen lived at;

Gilbert's Bakery, Eastbourne. 1884 to 1903, family business until David Gilbert died and the business was sold.

'Lulworth', 15 The Avenue, Eastbourne. 1903 to 1909. Moved here after the death of David and disposal of the bakery business.

'Ryderswells', London Road, Uckfield. 1905 to 1923. Purchased by Ellen as a second house near her aged mother.

'Baylands', 5 Old Orchard Road, Eastbourne. 1909 to 1921. Main family home.

22 Upper Avenue, Eastbourne. 1921 to 1943. Main family home. Became uninhabitable after bomb damage in 1943, so they moved to 3 Bourne Street.

Ryderswell Cottage, Vines Cross. 1923 to 1970. Ellen's 'retreat', sold to her daughter Ellen in 1948. Finally sold in 1970.

3 Bourne Street, Eastbourne. c1943 to 1946. The house was already owned by the family so Ellen and her daughters moved in after 22 Upper Avenue was bombed in 1943.

101 Enys Road, Eastbourne. 1946 to 1960. Ellen and her three daughters rented this house after the war, 'downsizing' to 56 Milton Road in 1960.

In H R Gilbert's records is a letter from Mrs Charles Wille (1797-1886) formerly Frances Morris. Ellen I Gilbert was also formerly a Morris, and was Frances's grand-daughter directly; but Ellen's grandfather (Ebenezer Morris 1801-1888) was also Frances's cousin. The baby mentioned in the letter would have been Ellen Gilbert (1885-1988). The letter (in very bad handwriting) appears to read;
"Dear Ellen. I hope you are recovered etc. Please will you accept this pair of shoes for dear baby, with my love. I hope some one might write to tell me ?? you - ?? ?? ?? - but do not trouble to write yourself. I am better than I have been and can expect to be at 88! Elsie? is asking me after you and sends her love. Your affectionate Grandma."

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield; 13 Apr 1899; "Mrs.D.Gilbert leaves today for Crowborough. Mr.D.Gilbert crossed over to France this morning."
27 Dec 1901; "Frank arrived at 10 a.m. & James, Ellen, Reg & Harry at 1 p.m. We had the family meeting this afternoon. 14b North St bought by Frank £420. 14c by me £525. 14d by Mrs.D.Gilbert £525. 14e by Mary £600. Stables by Alice £825."
9 June 1902; "James and Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 1 p.m. and Mr.Vinall and Mr.Carpenter about 3 p.m. We signed all the conveyances etc. & got through the affair very well."
21 Mar 1903; "Mrs.Gilbert has moved into 15 The Avenue." (Eastbourne)
10 July 1905; "Mr.W.R.Davey showed me over his two houses, one of which Mrs.Gilbert is thinking of. He wants £850 for it." (Uckfield)
16 Aug 1905; "Mrs.D.Gilbert, Ellen, Mary, William and Dick spent day here."
23 Aug 1905; "Mrs.D.Gilbert and Charlotte spent day with us, returning to Tunbridge Wells from Buxted at 8 p.m."
18 Sep 1905; "Old Mr.Card dined with us. He looked over Mrs.Gilbert's new house, 'Ryderswells'. He will be 87 in about a fortnight."
18 Nov 1905; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 10 am with Alec(?), to see about gas fitting at Ryderswells." (Uckfield)
19 Dec 1905; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 1 pm to take up her abode at 'Ryderswells'."
12 Apr 1906; "Mrs.Gilbert & Mary arrived this afternoon or this evening. They have taken up their quarters at 'Ryderswells'."
2 July 1906; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived this morning to get her house ready for James."
11 Oct 1906; "Mrs. Gilbert & family arrived at 10 am to spend the day at 'Ryderswells' celebrating Ellen's birthday. She is 21 today."
25 June 1907; "Mary Gilbert has appendicitis. Mrs.Gilbert refuses to allow an operation."
1 Oct 1907; "Charlotte's 21st birthday. Mrs. Gilbert, Ellen, Charlotte, David, Mary, William & Richard spent day here."
5 Apr 1909; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 'Ryderswells' at 1 p.m. with Miss Chesterfield & Charlotte, and Mary arrived this evening."
29 Apr 1909; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen left at 8 p.m. for Eastbourne."
10 June 1909; "Telegram about 9 a.m. Reg died early this morning. To Eastbourne at 10.34 a.m., returned at 10 p.m. Mrs.Gilbert and Mrs.Henry were with Reg all night. He passed away at about 6.35 am and the body is in such a state that the funeral must take place on Saturday."
29 Nov 1909; "Mrs. Gilbert has moved into her new house at No.5 Old Orchard Road." 17 Jan 1910; "Mrs.Gilbert to Jarvis Brook this afternoon."'
29 Mar 1910; "Mrs.Gilbert with William arrived at Ryderswells. She is not well."
15 June 1910; "Mrs.Gilbert had party of Sunday-school teachers at Ryderswells."
19 Jan 1911; "Mrs.Gilbert and Ellen unexpectedly arrived at Ryderswells this morning."
20 Mar 1911; "Mrs Gilbert to Barcombe to see Mrs.Soddy, who is staying with Mrs.Frank Gorringe."
6 Apr 1911; "Mrs.Gilbert here to meet people coming to see Ryderswells with a view to take in time for Easter - they did not arrive. She left this afternoon."
4 May 1911; "Mrs.Gilbert and Ellen left for Eastbourne via Crowborough at 1 pm."
28 Mar 1912; "Mrs.Gilbert told me of a rather serious turn in the affairs of Messrs. E.M. & Sons.; T.H.J. has been embezzling, and there is a likelihood of bankruptcy as well."
23 Apr 1912; "Alice very unwell. Dr. sent for. Bronchial-asthma."
25 Apr 1912; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived at 10 am and will use my bedroom."
7 May 1912; "Dr. to see Alice. She came down to tea."
8 May 1912; "Dr. to see Alice. She dressed and came down to tea. Charlotte has mumps caught from a Sunday School scholar. Mrs.Gilbert may have to return home. She has been a great help here."
8 June 1912; "This evening we heard of the death of Mrs.Robert Bannister (Annie Sturt). She died at Upper Stoneham this morning after a few days illness."
11 June 1912; "Mrs.Robert Bannister buried this afternoon at South Malling. Mary attended and Mrs.Gilbert was there."
21 Dec 1912; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen arrived at 10 am to get Ryderswells ready for the Misses Mitchell."
5 Jul 1913; "Deeds of 11 Belmore Road arrived & Mary took them to Eastbourne."
8 Jul 1913; "Mary dashed to Mayfield in order to obtain Mrs.Gilbert's signature to 11 Belmore Road deeds."
9 Jul 1913; "Charlotte arrived from Mayfield this afternoon, & Mrs.Gilbert from Eastbourne this evening.The Misses Mitchell have left Ryderswells."
21 Jul 1913; "Mrs. Gilbert left for Eastbourne, as their maid has failed with appendicitis."
22 Nov 1913; "Mrs.Gilbert and Ellen with her dog arrived at Ryderswells."
20 Dec 1913; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen left for Eastbourne, and Misses Mitchell arrived at Ryderswells."
24 Dec 1913; "Received presents of tobacco from Mrs.Gilbert & family, and a nice pipe from Richard."
29 Dec 1913; "Mrs.Gilbert with William arrived here this evening. They slept here as the Misses Mitchell are still at Ryderswells."
28 Feb 1914; "Mrs.Gilbert was married 30 years ago this day."
14 May 1914; "Mrs.Gilbert to Crowborough with Miss Markwick to meet architect &c. about her property."
15 Oct 1914; "I hear Mrs. Gilbert is about to lend Ryderswells to a Belgian refugee family."
22 Dec 1914; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen arrived at Ryderswells to get ready for the Misses Mitchell."
21 Jan 1915; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen arrived at Ryderswells."
16 Feb 1915; "Mrs.Gilbert is ill, in bed, high temperature."

Ellen I Gilbert in 1943 at Ryderswells Cottage, Vines Cross, Sussex.

Died 25 November 1951, Eastbourne.
In the schedule of her estate drawn up in 1953 it shows a total balance of £547.14.4 to be divided equally between her 5 surviving children. In addition she appears to have held the freehold of 14d North Street, Eastbourne (bought, as we have seen above, in 1901) and 81-91 (odd numbers) South Street, Lewes. A document of 1953, purporting to show how the various investments and properties of David Gilbert had been dealt with by the trustees, shows the following properties in hand;
41/43 Wilton Road, Bexhill
92/94 Latimer Road, Eastbourne
149 & 153 Seaside Road, Eastbourne
They were joined with 81-91 South Street, Lewes and 14d North St., Eastbourne (being the properties of his wife Ellen until her death in 1951) to form an 'undivided estate absolute', the proceeds of which were to be divided equally between his 5 surviving children.
By April 1955 the properties were still providing an income in rent to the five beneficiaries.

Held in H.R.Gilbert's records in the Ellen I.Gilbert envelope are;
Decorative 20th birthday card from her grandfather (1877).
Album of newspaper cuttings 1881 onwards.
A card from E.Morris & Son employees for her wedding (1884).
Various letters to and from her.
Schedule of the assets of her estate.
A large number of photographs of Ellen from c.1858 onwards are held in H.R.Gilbert's records;

1861 - 1902 DAVID GILBERT

David Gilbert, c.1880. Photo: P Nimmo & Son, Edinburgh.

Born; 14 March 1861.
Parents; David Gilbert (1825-1916) = Charlotte Hassell (1817-1895)
Educated at Clifton House School by Rev E E Crake.

Married; Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951) on 28 February 1884 by the Rev. A J Baxter at Cavendish Place Chapel, Eastbourne. Benjamin Soddy (1856-1895) was best man, and Kate Isard was bridesmaid.

Details of Cavendish Place Chapel and Rev A J Baxter.

Children; Ellen (1885-1988), Charlotte Isabel (1886-1976), David (1888-1915), Mary (1889-1976), William (1892-1955), Richard (1894-1988)
In May 1876 David spent a week's holiday with his widowed Aunt Ellen (183?-1899) at Southsea, spending the whole time pursuing his interest in things nautical. A copy of the diary of this holiday is in H.R.Gilbert's records. In 1877 he and his cousin, Luther Adams, and another member of the Eastbourne Bicycle Club made a fortnight's expedition to France, embarking at Newhaven on May 25th, and cycling on 'penny-farthings' from Dieppe to Rouen, Nantes, Paris and Amiens, only making use of the railway twice. He kept a diary of the trip, as did Luther, and the latter's account was published in the June Eastbourne Standard. A copy of his article is held in H.R.Gilbert's records.

David Gilbert, around 1882.

David appears to have learned to play the organ (he bought and sold several in his lifetime) and the cello. He also attended drawing classes and produced some creditable water colours and sketches. A painting of the Field House, Eastbourne, dated 1877 just before it was demolished, is in H.R.Gilbert's records.
So his interests included travel, music, cycling, painting, rowing and cricket - a considerable contrast to his father. He also took over the family bakery business in Eastbourne.

Gilbert's Bakery, Eastbourne

He married in 1884, and his father-in-law did not attend the wedding as he had reservations about marriages being conducted in non-conformist chapels. The honeymoon was at Leamington. The couple then settled at 52 Seaside Road, which his father had vacated. Their first child Ellen was born on 11 Oct 1885, a Sunday, and also the day on which he played for the first time the organ he had installed in Cavendish Place Chapel probably at his own expense.

David Gilbert, around 1884. Photo: Alfred J Isard, 46 Sea Side Road, Eastbourne.

Robert Morris's diary entries from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
27 Feb 1899; "We understand that David Gilbert now intends to try for the vacant seat on the Directorate of the Gas Co."
13 Apr 1899; "Mrs D Gilbert leaves today for Crowborough. Mr D Gilbert crossed over to France this morning."
28 Aug 1899; "J.B.M. (James Berry Morris) again elected on Gas Co. Directorate, and Mr D Gilbert likewise."

David found himself summoned (along with many others) to the Police Court on Monday 7 November 1899 accused of throwing fireworks during the 6 November Guy Fawkes celebrations (the 5th fell on a Sunday that year). The Magistrates were the Mayor (Alderman H W Keay), Councillor R C Lambert, Alderman Neville Strange, and E Lonsdale Beckwith. Chief Constable Plumb said that the throwing of fireworks had been forbidden by the Watch Committee two years previously, when offenders had accordingly been fined half a crown. In 1898 the fines doubled to five shillings. Plumb said that 100 leaflets on the subject had been produced and posted around the town.
David Gilbert told the Mayor that he would like to be heard. He said "I have not seen any notices whatsoever. I was with my children on 6th November setting off some very harmless fireworks in front of my house. Two policemen were standing outside - at the Albion corner - and they took no notice. What I discharged were very innocent fireworks, and I am one of those who see no reason why the Gunpowder treason should ever be forgotten."
"The two policemen kindly waited until I had finished. One of them then came to my place and told one of my children that I was wanted. I went out and the policemen said he had been directed to report me. I said 'What for?' He said 'For letting off fireworks; notices have been posted about'. I said 'I haven't seen any. Have you?' He replied 'I haven't seen any myself, but the notices are posted about.'"

Despite David's protestations the Mayor said that the Bench could make no exceptions in his case, and fined him 7 shillings and sixpence.

27 Jul 1900; "Charlotte returned from school. Mr D Gilbert & children to Boulogne - had rough passage."
3 Nov 1902; "Telegram and letter arrived this morning. Mr D Gilbert junr seriously ill with diphtheria. Alice left at once for Eastbourne."
4 Nov 1902; "A telegram and postcard arrived this morning. Better report, had some sleep. Alice left for Eastbourne this afternoon. A letter arrived this evening, had trouble with his heart."
5 Nov 1902; "Alice not very well so did not go to Eastbourne. The news received seemed very satisfactory until at 8pm we received telegram stating that Mr Gilbert had just passed away. He seems to have expired shortly after 7pm."
7 Nov 1902; "It is supposed that Mr Gilbert contracted the malady while on his visit to Paris, from which he returned on the 29th ult."
8 Nov 1902; "Very stormy, high wind and driving rains. I and Mary to Eastbourne by 10.44 am train. We dined at Mrs Gilbert's and attended the funeral at 3.45 pm when, happily, the rain left off. 36 or 37 carriages followed and there was a large assembly at the cemetery. The service was conducted by Mr.A.J.Baxter."
Richard Gilbert wrote in his autobiography "On Oct 17th 1902....he left for Paris for a brief holiday, returning on the 24th. On the 28th, a Tuesday, he became unwell, but no serious view of the illness was taken until the Thursday, when, it seems, diphtheria was recognised (in the family it has always been assumed that this was picked up in Paris....). Six days later, in the evening of Wednesday, Nov.5th, Father died.... Mother said that she had left Father's bedside for a brief meal when the end came. The nurse told her that he said 'Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit', and did not speak again."

At his death he was the president of Eastbourne Master Bakers, a director of the Eastbourne Gas Company, a borough overseer, and an active supporter of the YMCA. A short report regarding his death is on Page 140 of Ellen I.Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album, and a longer obituary with details of the funeral is on Page 142. Other obituaries are on pages 26-30 of Charlotte Gilbert's cuttings album; al of the above are in H R Gilbert's records.
His account ledger 1897-1902 shows him to have had shares in the Castle Hotel (Hastings), Eastbourne Gas Co., Eastbourne Sanitary Steam Laundry, Metropolitan Railway Co., Crescens Robinson & Co., Henry Denny & Sons (Waterford), Bovril, Thomas Tilling Ltd., The Colonial Rubber Co. (West Africa), and Rowntree & Co.
Richard Gilbert wrote that David was reported to have left £26,000.
Among the properties were the bakery, and No.6 Seaside. Everything was left in trust for the children, the executors being his wife, James Morris and Oliver Mitchell (architect of the new bakery. He was an architect and surveyor, born in Uckfield in 1840, member of the first Eastbourne Town Council 1883, living at 11 Pevensey Road).

David Gilbert, around 1891. Photo: Frederick A Bourne, Eastbourne.

An account of his estate dated Oct 1903 (To ESRO May 2003) shows a total value of £27542.2.4 including the estimated value of the following;
1,2,5 & 6 Seaside Buildings £8,000
1 & 3 Jubilee Terrace £1,000
1, 3 & 5 Bourne Street £2,250
92 & 94 Latimer Road £ 700
41 & 43 Wilton Road, Bexhill £1,600
'Coal yard' £ 700

A document of 1953, purporting to show how the various investments and properties of David Gilbert had been dealt with by the trustees, shows the following properties in hand;
41 & 43 Wilton Road, Bexhill
92 & 94 Latimer Road, Eastbourne
149 & 153 Seaside Road, Eastbourne
They were joined with 81-91 South Street, Lewes and 14d North St., Eastbourne (being the properties of his wife Ellen until her death in 1951) to form an 'undivided estate absolute', the proceeds of which were to be divided equally between his 5 surviving children. By April 1955 the properties were still providing an income in rent to the five beneficiaries.
Both of the above accounts, and another dated 1908, are in H.R.Gilbert's records in the David Gilbert 2 envelope.
A painting by David of the organ at Cavendish Place Chapel, Eastbourne, was donated to the Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, in 1990 by David's daughter-in-law, Elsie Gilbert (1906-1990)
Died; 5 Nov 1902.

Held in H.R.Gilbert's records are the following;
Diary of the holiday in Southsea 1876
Painting of Field House, 1877.
Copy of cycling article, 1877
His note & account book 1881-1883.
His accounts ledger 1897-1902 (used also by his widow from 1946-1948)
Account of firework-throwing incident, 1899.
Accounts of his estate 1908 and 1953.
Sixteen photographs of David.

1885 - 1988 ELLEN GILBERT

Ellen Gilbert, around 1895. Photo: Frederick A Bourne, "Rembrandt Studio", 19 Langney Road, Eastbourne.

Born; 11 October 1885 in Gilbert's bakery, 51/52 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)

In the Christmas Term of 1898 she was presented with a copy of the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott by Mr Brown, Principal of Wellington House School, Eastbourne, as a prize for weekly examinations in Class III.
Intelligent and hard-working, she found herself at 17 supporting her bereaved mother at home in the raising of a large family, a task she had to shoulder for 74 years. She remained a spinster with strong temperance and religious beliefs (no doubt inherited from her father and grandfather). She is reputed to have travelled overland to Cairo around 1921 to visit the war grave of her brother David (1888-1915).
Having stayed at Ryderswell Cottage, Vines Cross, many times since the family acquired it in 1923, Ellen bought it from her mother in 1948 and used it as a retreat, particularly enjoying the care of its extensive garden.

Ryderswell Cottage, Vines Cross

She moved with her sisters in 1961 from 101 Enys Road to 56 Milton Road, Eastbourne and, after Charlotte and Mary died in 1976, she soon slowed down and entered the Langdale Nursing Home, 16 Arundel Road, Eastbourne, where she celebrated her 100th birthday in 1985. To her increasing disappointment she was strong enough to survive into her 103rd year, having outlived all her younger brothers and sisters except Richard, who died six days after her.

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
16 December 1898; "Ellen is top of her school in Scripture and has taken other first prizes. Mary is likewise top of her class."
26 February 1901; "Ellen has passed the Cambridge local examination."
25 February 1903; "Ellen has passed the Cambridge local examination a senior and Charlotte as a junior."
11 October 1906; "Mrs. Gilbert & family arrived at 10 am to spend the day at 'Ryderswells' celebrating Ellen's birthday. She is 21 today."
1 October 1907; "Charlotte's 21st birthday. Mrs. Gilbert, Ellen, Charlotte, David, Mary, William & Richard spent day here. Ellen is to be operated on for appendicitis either Thursday or Friday. We hope all will be well."
7 October 1907; "Received news that Ellen was operated upon (for appendicitis) yesterday morning, commenced at 9 am and lasted to 10.30 am."
9 October 1907; "Ellen is progressing favourably."
14 October 1907 "We understand that Ellen is progressing favourably, and has had bandages removed."
25 October 1907; "Ellen has been able to leave her bed."
17 September 1909; "Received postcard from Mary, who has been staying with Ellen and William at Kensington."
15 November 1909; "Mary & Alice to Lewes at 10.30 am to meet Ellen, Charlotte and Miss Soddy; thence to Sheffield Park to look over Sheffield Place - the sale of contents tomorrow. They all walked back to Uckfield via Fletching, arrived soon after 5 pm."
27 April 1910; "Ellen Gilbert's friend, Miss Bourne, visited the garden this afternoon. She is a B.A. I believe."
8 June 1910; "Mary, Ellen and Richard to Protestant Demonstration at Lewes."
30 July 1910; "Ellen & Mary Gilbert have gone to Sheffield for a week - they stay with William."
11 August 1910; "Ellen & Richard arrived at Ryderswells this evening. Ellen will sleep here at present."
19 January 1911; "Mrs.Gilbert and Ellen unexpectedly arrived at Ryderswells this morning." (Uckfield)
11 October 1911; "Ellen Gilbert's birthday. She is 26, & yesterday was Mary's birthday - 22."
23 March 1912; "Doctor Langdale to see Alice this morning. He saw Ellen this morning. She is very bad. Charlotte is now ill, and Mary has had to return to Eastbourne."
13 May 1912; "Ellen arrived to get Ryderswells ready for the Misses Mitchell."
2 November 1912; "Ellen & Mary arrived with their dog this afternoon."
22 November 1913; "Mrs.Gilbert and Ellen with her dog arrived at Ryderswells."
27 August 1914; "Ellen & Katie arrived on bicycles this afternoon, and left later for Eastbourne."
22 December 1914; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen arrived at Ryderswells to get ready for the Misses Mitchell."
21 January 1915; "Mrs.Gilbert & Ellen arrived at Ryderswells."
2 March 1915; "David has left Walmer for an unknown destination. Ellen and Mary visited Walmer and saw his departure."
4 March 1915; "David has apparently sailed for E.Africa."

Ellen Gilbert with her sister Mary at the front door of their house, 101 Enys Road, Eastbourne, autumn 1952.

Died; 17 May 1988. In her will (revised in 1977 due to the death of her sisters) she left legacies to various religious charities and the residue to Richard, Elsie, David and Hilary Gilbert equally.
Executrices were Marjorie I.Morris (1901-1992) and Jane E.Morris (1930-??). She left £20,291 gross.
Buried; Ocklynge Cemetery, Eastbourne, in the family grave.
A large number of photographs of Ellen are held in H.R.Gilbert's records;


Charlotte Gilbert, around 1901.

Born; 1 October 1886, at Gilbert's Bakery, 51/52 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)
Went to school in Burgess Hill. Alice Morris visited her there on 12 October 1898.

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
17 December 1898; "Charlotte returned home from school this afternoon."
11 January 1899; "Alice took Charlotte to the Rembrandt Studio to have her photo taken this morning."
8 May 1899; "Charlotte returned to school today."
12 April 1900; "Charlotte arrived by 12.45 train. She came straight from school."
27 July 1900; "Charlotte returned from school. Mr.D.Gilbert & children to Boulogne - had rough passage."
17 September 1900; "Charlotte returned to school."
21 November 1900; "Charlotte arrived this evening. One of her school-fellows having scarlet-fever it was thought best to remove her here to prevent contagion."
28 November 1900; "Charlotte continues well. Should she continue so it is intended she shall go to Brighton on Monday for the College of Preceptor's examination."
3 December 1900; "Charlotte took her departure this morning, & left for Brighton this afternoon."
25 February 1903; "Ellen has passed the Cambridge local examination a senior and Charlotte as a junior."
21 July 1905; "Charlotte returns from Ilfracombe today."
18 October 1906; "Charlotte has obtained 2nd prize for painting at School of Art."
1 October 1907; "Charlotte's 21st birthday. Mrs. Gilbert, Ellen, Charlotte, David, Mary, William and Richard spent day here."
1 October 1909; "Charlotte took tea with us - she is 23 today."
15 November 1909; "Mary & Alice to Lewes at 10.30 am to meet Ellen, Charlotte and Miss Soddy; thence to Sheffield Park to look over Sheffield Place - the sale of contents tomorrow. They all walked back to Uckfield via Fletching, arrived soon after 5 pm."
30 May 1910; "Charlotte returned to Eastbourne. She is very unwell."
11 June 1910; "Charlotte does not seem to improve much."
8 August 1910; "Charlotte is not well."
15 September 1910; "Mary Gilbert left for Eastbourne on her bicycle and Charlotte left by rail this afternoon. Charlotte was very unwell."
17 September 1910; "Postcard from Charlotte - she is much better."
1 October 1910; "Charlotte's birthday."
6 September 1911; "Charlotte left this morning for Tunbridge Wells to attend Miss Emery's wedding. She returns to Eastbourne and Ellen is to arrive at Ryderswells this evening."
8 May 1912; "Dr. to see Alice. She dressed and came down to tea. Charlotte has mumps caught from a Sunday School scholar. Mrs.Gilbert may have to return home. She has been a great help here."
1 October 1912; "Charlotte's birthday. She must be 26."
29 September 1914; "Charlotte at Eastbourne to attend wedding of a Miss Vinall."

In about 1926 she bought "Rosebank", a cottage in Boreham Street, which she used as a retreat until the 1960s.

Rosebank, Boreham Street, East Sussex

Charlotte was also a keen beekeeper and a competent painter in water colours, and three small paintings survive, one of Tickerage Mill, Framfield, one of Ryderswells Cottage, Vines Cross, and one view of Eastbourne from the top of Beachy Head. All are with H.R.Gilbert, but in 2015 it was discovered that a much larger collection of her work is held in the archive of the Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne.

Charlotte Gilbert around 1952.

Died; 16 June 1976 at 56 Milton Road, Eastbourne.
Buried; 22 June 1976 at Ocklynge Cemetery, Eastbourne.
Her will was dated 7 June 1963, and was proved on 10 August 1976. She left £7987.23. She left £100 legacies to six relatives and the London City Mission, with the residue to be divided equally between her sisters Ellen and Mary, and her brother Richard. Ellen and Richard were executors.

She also left a note (dated 19 Feb 1973) to her executors which says "Anything connected with Lewes should go to East Sussex Record Office, Pelham House, Lewes - also Grandpa Wille's diaries." ESRO is now in Brighton.
Part of the contents of East Sussex Record Office AMS 5569 consists of the archive of Charlotte Gilbert (donated after her death by her brother, Richard), who was an avid genealogist and collector of family artefacts and documents. For example, East Sussex Record Office AMS 5569/47 is a volume of notes made by Charlotte.
Her National Registration Card 1915, a letter from Robert Morris to Charlotte Gilbert in 1929 in which he 'appoints' her custodian of the family records, and the account of her estate in 1976 were all donated to ESRO in May 2003.

Held in H.R.Gilbert's records are a photocopy of her birth certificate (1950 copy), and a large number of photographs.

1888 - 1915 DAVID GILBERT G.I.Mech.E.

David Gilbert, around 1890. Photo: Alfred J Isard, 46 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.

Born; 11 February 1888, in Gilbert's Bakery building, 51 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)
Attended school at The Gables, Church Street, Eastbourne, then to the High School, 49 Baldsow Road, Hastings, as a boarder.

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
17 January 1901; "David to the Eastbourne Municipal School 1st time yesterday. He has left the Hastings school."
27 September 1904; "David goes to London today."
8 August 1905; "David arrived at 10 am and left at 8 pm. He is staying at Eastbourne for a week's holiday."
15 September 1906; "David Gilbert has left London and returned home. He has a bad leg which the Dr. says will be a long time getting well."
29 November 1906; "David Gilbert has returned to business, but his leg seems to be far from well."
1 August 1908; "David arrived at 'Ryderswell' at about 9 am coming from London on his bicycle, leaving town at 4 am."
22 August 1908; "David returns to town from Eastbourne today, and starts business again on Monday."
13 January 1909; "David's motor-bicycle, lately purchased by him, arrived at 'Ryderswells' this afternoon."
14 January 1909; "David's motor-bicycle taken to Lockyer's this morning, it now goes alright."
15 January 1909; "David had a side-slip near Rotherfield this afternoon and broke off one pedal of his new machine."
16 January 1909; "David left for London at 5:30 p.m."
30 June 1909; "David, who is out of apprenticeship on Friday, was coming down to breakfast on bicycle, writes to say he is not coming."
5 July 1909; "David arrived this morning on bicycle - left for Eastbourne at 7:30 p.m."
6 July 1909; "David arrived at 4 p.m. and left shortly after on his motor-bicycle."
14 September 1909; "David is to buy a lathe, and his mother has hired a portion of the warehouse of E.Morris & Son for him."
18 September 1909; "David, William & Mary arrived on bicycles this evening. They brought with them a new dog, a puppy."
20 November 1909; "David arrived on his motor bicycle this afternoon & took tea with us."
30 December 1909; "David is ill in bed."
31 December 1909; "David seems to have quite recovered."

1 January 1910; "Conservative meeting tonight. Chub, David & William went." ('Chub' = Herbert Morris)
11 February 1910; "I hear David has joined the Territorials at Eastbourne."
12 February 1910; "We hear David is now going to Chub's business at Brighton. He starts a month trial Monday next."
25 February 1910; "David is at Chub's place at Brighton."
2 April 1910; "David arrived from Brighton this afternoon."
14 May 1910; "David and Nelson arrived at Ryderswells on bicycles." ('Nelson' was Reginald Nelson Morris, often known as Nelson because his father was also Reginald.)
13 August 1910; "David arrived at Ryderswells this afternoon."
20 August 1910; "David arrived from Brighton this afternoon."
12 October 1910; "We hear rumours of David relinquishing his position at Joyce Bros., Brighton."
15 October 1910; "William arrived at Ryderswells from London this afternoon, and David arrived from Brighton this evening."
25 November 1910; "David has left Messrs.Joyce & Co - he left on Saturday last, 19th inst."
22 April 1911; "David called on his way back from Crowborough this afternoon and took tea with us."
28 August 1911; "David arrived on bicycle from London this afternoon."
15 April 1912; "David Gilbert has gone to Ipswich."
17 September 1912; "David arrived at Ryderswells. He returned from Ipswich at the end of last week."
9 January 1913; "David arrived at Ryderswells at about 12.30. I think he returns to Eastbourne this evening."
9 August 1913; "David leaves Eastbourne for Ipswich today."
11 September 1913; "David, who has been very queer, arrived at Ryderswells for a few days. He has had influenza."
16 September 1913; "David left for Ipswich this morning."
26 December 1914; "David and Richard arrived at 10 am, & left at 4 pm. David was in the uniform of the Royal Naval Division. He is quartered at Walmer."
2 March 1915; "David has left Walmer for an unknown destination. Ellen & Mary visited Walmer and saw his departure."
4 March 1915; "David has apparently sailed for E.Africa."

David Gilbert, around 1899.

David volunteered in October 1914 to join the Divisional Engineers, Royal Naval Division. Trained at Walmer, Lance Corporal by February 1915. Around 2 March 1915 to Avonmouth and boarded the transport "Somali".
Arrived Lemnos harbour 13 March 1915. Put ashore 16 March and set up tents. Built a pier.
25 March 1915; back on board the "Somali" and departed for Alexandria, arriving 27th, then immediately moved on to Port Said, where they caught up the boat carrying the unit's horses and sister ship "Cestrian".
31 March 1915; went ashore and pitched tents. After about a fortnight he wrote "We have now been 7 weeks out from England and, as far as we can see, we have not done one stroke of useful work, and we are getting very fed up about it".
Around 13 April boarded ship "Ayrshire" and appears to have returned to Lemnos. He wrote "We have not yet reached our destination. We keep on messing about from one place to another and never do anything anywhere".
At this point details became sketchy, but he seems to have gone to Skyros and the Dardanelles (he mentioned bathing there in May). In a letter dated 18 May he said he was lying in the bottom of a trench, having been hit the previous day in the shoulder by a piece of shrapnel.
By the end of May he was still suffering from the injury and had a fever. By 11 June he was in an isolation ward in the Citadel Hospital, Cairo.

Lance Corporal David Gilbert, Royal Naval Division, Walmer, Kent, 20 February 1915. Photo: W A Sawyer, Walmer.

Died; 21 June 1915 of paratyphoid in the Citadel Hospital, Cairo.
He is buried in the Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, 17 Sharia Abu Safein, off Salah Salem, Old Cairo (Row B, Grave 301).
It is believed that Ellen and Charlotte Gilbert went to Cairo to visit the grave around 1921, and Hilary and Kathy Gilbert also visited it while on holiday there in November 2004.

A biography of David (and a touching account of his relationship with a Miss Ethel Blagrove) was written by his brother Richard, and a copy of this, along with various notes and manuscripts used in its production, are held in H.R.Gilbert's records. For full details of his life, refer to this biography. (A copy is also at the East Sussex Record Office, Brighton).
Two obituaries are on pages 137 and 146 of Ellen I.Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album (in H.R.Gilbert's records) and another on page 53 of Charlotte Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album.

The following are held in H.R.Gilbert's records;
Documents re. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, including one with a brief memoir of his engineering career. (Copy also in Ellen I.Gilbert's cuttings album Page 139)
Various letters to/from David showing his addresses as;
April 1891; The Gables, Eastbourne
February 1906; 153 Ferme Park Rd., Crouch End
February 1912; 8 Furlong Rd., Holloway
February 1915; Upper Walmer, Kent
Diary of a holiday in Southsea, April 1900; Notes of Royal Engineers camp at Dover 1911; His diary from January to March 1912; Letters between David and his family while serving in the Royal Naval Division, 1915, including one returned, marked 'Dead'; His diary from August 1914 to disembarkation in Egypt March 1915; A notebook containing his last (unfinished) letter to his mother; A photograph of his grave in Cairo; A lock of his hair and his Royal Naval Division cap band; Various documents regarding his death and estate; About 25 photographs.

1889 - 1976 MARY GILBERT

Mary Gilbert, around 1892. Photo: Alfred J Isard, 46 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.

Born; 10 October 1889 in the old Gilbert Bakery building, 51 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)
Went to school at Wellington House, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne, then to Lee College, St.Anne's Road.

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
22 March 1898; "Little Mary Gilbert fell off swing at school, brought home in Bath chair. Very bad."
23 March 1898; "Little Mary Gilbert better - bad black eye."
16 December 1898; "Ellen is top of her school in Scripture and has taken other first prizes. Mary is likewise top of her class."
(In October 1902, on the death of their father, Mary and Richard were sent to 'Fernhurst', London Road, Uckfield, probably partly to avoid the risk of infection, but also to reduce pressure on the Eastbourne household.)

20 December 1906; "Charlotte, Mary, William and Richard arrived at 'Ryderswells' this evening."
21 December 1906; "Dr.Lucas called in to see Mary Gilbert this evening. Her temperature 104."
25 June 1907; "Mary Gilbert has appendicitis. Mrs.Gilbert refuses to allow an operation."
1 October 1907; "Charlotte's 21st birthday. Mrs. Gilbert, Ellen, Charlotte, David, Mary, William & Richard spent day here."
30 March 1909; "Mary Gilbert has obtained a 1st prize at the Eastbourne Art Exhibition."
5 April 1909; "Mrs.Gilbert arrived at "Ryderswells" at 1 p.m. with Miss Chesterfield & Charlotte, and Mary arrived this evening."
18 September 1909; "David, William & Mary arrived on bicycles this evening. They brought with them a new dog, a puppy."
8 June 1910; "Mary, Ellen and Richard to Protestant Demonstration at Lewes."
30 July 1910; "Ellen & Mary Gilbert have gone to Sheffield for a week - they stay with William."
8 August 1910; "Mary & May arrived at Ryderswells on bicycles at 1.45 pm." (May Morris)
15 September 1910; "Mary Gilbert left for Eastbourne on her bicycle and Charlotte left by rail this afternoon. Charlotte was very unwell.'
10 October 1910 (10/10/10 !) "Mary Gilbert's 21st birthday."
16 March 1911; "Mary Gilbert arrived on bicycle this evening."
1 August 1911; "Mary arrived at Ryderswells early this morning on her bicycle. She had breakfast with us."
1 September 1911; "Mary left Ryderswells for Eastbourne on her bicycle early."
20 January 1912; "Mary Gilbert is to be operated upon for appendicitis."
6 February 1912; "We hear Mary Gilbert has gone to a nursing-home, to be operated on for appendicitis. This evening we hear that Mary Gilbert was operated upon at 10 o'clock this morning, and so far seems progressing favourably."
7 February 1912; "Mary Gilbert seems to be going on, but the sickness has not yet passed off."
10 February 1912; "We hear Mary is progressing favourably."
22 February 1912; "Mary Gilbert was to have left the nursing home today, but postponed on account of rain."
7 October 1912; "Mary Gilbert left for Eastbourne early this morning with May, who came up Saturday night (5th inst.)."
23 May 1913; "May arrived to spend the Sunday with Mary at Ryderswells."
25 August 1913; "Mary, having quarrelled with Ellen, came in to tea. May left for Eastbourne at 7.40 pm."
7 October 1913; "Mary Gilbert got a kitten from Views Wood Cottage."
9 October 1913; "Mary returned to Eastbourne on her bicycle and took her kitten with her."
10 October 1913; "Mary Gilbert's birthday. She must be 24."
2 March 1915; "David has left Walmer for an unknown destination. Ellen and Mary visited Walmer and saw his departure."
4 March 1915; "David has apparently sailed for E.Africa."

Mary Gilbert in 1913. Photo: R W Vieler, 19 Elms Buildings, Eastbourne, No.2193.

In H.R.Gilbert's records are Mary Gilbert's diary as a child from 1901 to 1904, and another from 1948 to 1973 (with large gaps, sometimes of several years). The latter mostly contains mundane domestic notes and detailed descriptions of outings and holidays, but gives some insight into her character - perhaps best described as old-fashioned, and somewhat light-headed. Her three brothers considered her dim-witted and frequently told her so.

Mary Gilbert passport photo, around 1950.

Mary died on 31 December 1976 and was buried at Ocklynge Cemetery, Eastbourne, on Friday 7 January 1977.
Her will was dated 9 October 1972 and she left £10,375 gross plus a half share of 56 Milton Road, Eastbourne, which passed by survivorship to her sister Ellen. After various small legacies, the residue was to be divided between Ellen and her brother Richard. A copy of the will is held in H.R.Gilbert's records.
A large number of photographs of Mary are held in H.R.Gilbert's records.


William Gilbert, around 1894. Photo: Frederick A Bourne, "Rembrandt Studio", 19 Langney Road, Eastbourne.

Born; 29 July 1892 in the old Gilbert Bakery building, 51 Seaside Rd., Eastbourne.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)
First school was with Miss Ensom, who lived over Gowlands bookshop, now No.22 Seaside Road, then to Sussex College on the north side of Hartfield Square.
Married; Kathleen Lyall (8 April 1895 - 23 March 1975) on 29 September 1920 at Trinity United Methodist Church, Mirfield, Yorkshire, by Rev.T.Smith. Two reports of the wedding are on Page 141 of Ellen I.Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album. The honeymoon was spent in Rothesay.

Robert Morris's diary extracts from "Fernhurst", London Road, Uckfield;
5 November 1905; "William Gilbert's terrier 'Tippo' was killed by a motor car belonging to Mr Freeman-Thomas at Hampden Park yesterday afternoon."
30 April 1906; "William and Richard sailing boats on Pilt Down Pond. Richard's cutter sank."
12 September 1906; "Richard accidentally hit William on the forehead with a coal hammer this morning. Dr.Langdale put sticking plaster on the wound."
20 December 1906; "Charlotte, Mary, William and Richard arrived at 'Ryderswells' this evening."
1 October 1907; "Charlotte's 21st birthday. Mrs. Gilbert, Ellen, Charlotte, David, Mary, William & Richard spent day here."
10 February 1908; "Richard sent results of Cambridge Local Examinations - William 1st class hons. Richard 3rd class hons. William had two distinctions."
27 April 1908; "William called this morning as he was passing on his bicycle, on his way to London with his schoolmaster, Mr.P.Gilbert."
1 August 1908; "William arrived from Eastbourne on bicycle."
22 August 1908; "William arrived with Mrs.Funnell's boy, Ray, on bicycles this evening."
18 January 1909; "William left for Eastbourne on his bicycle this afternoon."
24 February 1909; "We understand William leaves for London today."
2 March 1909; "William is in bed ill. Mrs. Gilbert is with him. They went to London either Wednesday (24th ult.) or Thursday (25th ult.)."
5 March 1909; "Mrs.Gilbert has returned from London. William is better."
17 September 1909; "Received postcard from Mary, who has been staying with Ellen and William at Kensington."
18 September 1909; "David, William & Mary arrived on bicycles this evening. They brought with them a new dog, a puppy."
1 January 1910; "Conservative meeting tonight.Chub, David & William went."
5 April 1910; "William left for London at 7.30 pm."
13 April 1910; "William is to go to Sheffield on Monday (18th inst)."
14 May 1910; "William arrived from Sheffield."
26 July 1910; "We hear William has not passed his recent examination, he failed in Chemistry and Design-drawing."
30 July 1910; "Ellen & Mary Gilbert have gone to Sheffield for a week - they stay with William."
15 October 1910; "William arrived at Ryderswells from London this afternoon, and David arrived from Brighton this evening."
17 April 1911; "William leaves Eastbourne for Manchester tomorrow morning."
17 July 1911; "William arrived on his way from London to Eastbourne, on his bicycle this evening."
15 July 1912; "William at Ryderswells. He took the dog "Pharaoh" back to Eastbourne."
21 September 1912; "William here this afternoon. He goes to Leeds on Tuesday (24th inst.) to see about an appointment."
25 September 1912; "William is at Leeds on a months trial."
29 October 1912; "William Gilbert finally engaged at 30/- per week at Leeds."
28 July 1913; "Sent birthday present to William who is 21 tomorrow."
31 July 1914; "William here this afternoon - returned before 5 pm on motor-bicycle."
7 January 1915; "William is at home for a few days, but I think he returns to Yorkshire tomorrow."
1 February 1915; "William arrived at Ryderswells at 10 am and left for Eastbourne at 4 pm. He returns to Leeds tomorrow."

William was educated at Roborough School, Upper Avenue, Eastbourne with his brother and great friend, Richard. He developed an impish sense of humour which characterised him all his life. Leaving Eastbourne at the age of 17 he underwent technical training at Northampton Institute until the outbreak of World War One, during which he served with the 15th (Leeds City) Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment and with the Royal Flying Corps.

William Gilbert in Royal Flying Corps uniform, 1915.

On demobilisation he entered industry as a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and was design engineer for Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co.Ltd. at the time of his marriage to Yorkshire girl Kathleen Lyall on 29 September 1920.
In 1924 he joined Ransomes, Sims & Jeffries Ltd. of Ipswich, Suffolk. The firm manufactured heavy electrical equipment, motors, generators and trolleybuses.
He moved with Kathleen to 50 Sidegate Lane, Ipswich and remained there for the rest of his life.

Two photographs of William in H R Gilbert's records were taken in Cape Town, South Africa in 1937, and the explanation for this may well be connected with the trolleybus services there. An item by John Grant-Silver in Classic Bus magazine for Oct/Nov 1996 says;
"...Stealing a march on its competitors, the Ipswich firm of Ransomes, Sims and Jeffries despatched a salesman to Cape Town by air! (remember this was 1934), with a 16mm film of the company's products in operation in England and elsewhere and, aided by this novel sales approach, he was able to secure a large order for 50 vehicles, 30 double-deckers and 20 single-deckers, all four-wheelers powered by a Ransomes 80hp traction motor and regenerative braking."
" 1937..the Ransomes had been troublesome and it was decided no more would be ordered..."
There is no suggestion that William was the resourceful salesman, but more likely was a mechanical troubleshooter - he was, after all, an engineer by trade. In any event, remedial efforts appear to have been in vain.

William served as a Captain in the 11th Suffolk Home Guard Batallion, Ipswich, during the Second World War.

In May 1955 (a month before he died) William was appointed deputy chairman of the Eastern Electricity Consultative Council, which covered an area of 8,000 square miles. He already held the post of Chief Electrical Engineer at Ransomes, Sims & Jeffries. A keen tennis player, he was President of the Roundwood Tennis Club when he died.

William Gilbert, around 1950 at work in the offices of Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ipswich.

Died; 2 June 1955 (Thursday), Ipswich Hospital, aged 62 after a short illness.
The funeral was at Ocklynge, Eastbourne on 6 June (Monday).
There were no children but Kathleen outlived him in Ipswich for a further 20 years. He was warmly and highly regarded by family, friends and colleagues in industry alike.

An invitation and order of service for his wedding, a postcard to Richard while on honeymoon, and William's last letter to brother Richard (December 1954) are in H.R.Gilberts records.
A large number of photographs of William are held in H.R.Gilbert's records.


Born 13 May 1894, in the new bakery building, Eastbourne at 6:10 a.m.
Parents; David Gilbert (1861-1902) = Ellen Isabel Morris (1857-1951)
First school was with Miss Ensom, who lived over Gowlands bookshop, now No.22 Seaside Road, then to Sussex College on the north side of Hartfield Square, Eastbourne.
Married; Elsie Mabel Hewitt (1906-1990) on 15 June 1935 at All Souls Church, Eastbourne. His brother William was best man. The organist was his friend Gilbert Alcock, organist at St.John's, Meads.
Children; David (1939-20??), Hilary Richard (1947-20??)

Richard Gilbert with his great friend and fellow archaeologist Lawrence Stevens, celebrating the publication of their book "Eastbourne's Roman Villa", 2 February 1974 at Richard's house in Mountney Road, Eastbourne. Photo; Peter Ekin-Wood, Eastbourne.

Died; 23 May 1988 at Uckfield Hospital.

More details of Richard's family

1895 - 1975 KATHLEEN GILBERT (nee LYALL)

Kathleen Lyall, around 1919.

Born; 8 April 1895, Yorkshire (Harrogate?)
Parents; only daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Lyall of 13 Hall Lane, Sholebrooke Avenue, Potternewton, Leeds, niece of Mr.& Mrs. H.Swire of "High Lees", Crow Lees Road, Mirfield, and grand-daughter of the late Mr.Robert Swire of Mirfield. Kathleen's wedding reception was held at "High Lees".
Married; William Gilbert (1892-1955) on 29 September 1920 at Trinity United Methodist Church, Mirfield, Yorkshire, by Rev.T.Smith. Two reports of the wedding are on P.141 of Ellen I.Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album. The honeymoon was spent in Rothesay.

Kathleen Gilbert at 101 Enys Road, Eastbourne in September 1951 with dog 'N....r'.

Died of shingles 23 March 1975, and left £35,368 including £9,000 being the sale value of 50 Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, where she and William had lived since around 1920. A copy of her will is held in H.R.Gilbert's records.
About 30 photographs of Kathleen are held in H.R.Gilbert's records.


Elsie Gilbert, June 1969.

Born; 5 March 1906, Hammersmith, London. (According to her sister, Elsie was nearly born on Hammersmith Broadway when her mother slipped over on the ice.)
Parents; William J.Hewitt (18??-1971) = Mabel A.Hedgecott (1883-1973)
Married; Richard Gilbert (1894-1988) on 15th June 1935 at All Souls Church, Eastbourne.
Children; David (1939-20??), Hilary Richard (1947-20??)

An accomplished pianist, she met her husband through musical connections.
Richard Gilbert moved to Croydon in November 1934 to take up a position with the Croydon Advertiser newspaper. He stayed in lodgings at 96 Chatsworth Road until 18 (or 19) May 1935 when he moved into 48 Chisholm Road, Addiscombe, which he had bought. His older sister Ellen joined him there for a while to cook and help him get settled in, but this was to become his new marital home after his marriage to Elsie on 15 June.
The honeymoon was at a cottage, "The Bluff" at Bucks Mills, near Bideford, N.Devon, lent to them by Richard's friend Gerald Bergg, with whom he had been at Roborough School. A report of the wedding from the Eastbourne Gazette can be found in Ellen I. Gilbert's newspaper cuttings album page 139, and also in Charlotte Gilbert's cuttings album pages 58-60.
In 1959 Richard retired and he and Elsie moved back to Eastbourne, having bought 19 Mountney Road, Old Town.

Died; 5 July 1990 at Eastbourne District General Hospital and was cremated at Langney Crematorium 16 July 1990.

More details of Elsie's family

To later Gilbert family members